viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015



(1415.7) 128:6.7 Durante la mañana que siguiera a su segundo día en la cárcel, Jesús compareció ante el magistrado militar en nombre de Judá. ...

(1415.7) 128:6.7 The morning following their second day in prison Jesus appeared before the military magistrate in behalf of Jude. 

"Magistrate" no significa "magistrado", sino juez de instrucción, juez instructor, de primera instancia (de tribunales menores). Juzgan casos menores y conducen diligencias preliminares. 

mag•is•trate  (majə strāt′, -strit), 
  1. Governmenta civil officer charged with the administration of the law.
  2. Governmenta minor judicial officer, as a justice of the peace or the judge of a police court, having jurisdiction to try minor criminal cases and to conduct preliminary examinations of persons charged with serious crimes.
En español, un magistrado es más que un juez instructor.

magistrado, da
Del lat. magistrātus.
1. m. y f. Esp. Miembro de la carrera judicial con categoría superior a la del juez.

Real Academia Española © Todos los derechos reservados

Los avonales son diferentes: ellos son "altos magistrados"

226.1) 20:3.1 The Avonals are known as Magisterial Sons because they are the high magistrates of the realms, the adjudicators of the successive dispensations of the worlds of time. They preside over the awakening of the sleeping survivors, sit in judgment on the realm, bring to an end a dispensation of suspended justice, execute the mandates of an age of probationary mercy, reassign the space creatures of planetary ministry to the tasks of the new dispensation, and return to the headquarters of their local universe upon the completion of their mission.

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