Trad. Latina
Contention es igual a disputa, contienda, pugna, incluso oposición... el sustantivo "contención", su traducción literal, significa otra cosa en la actualidad y no es el sentido que tiene aquí.
1. f. Acción y efecto de contener o contenerse. Un muro de contención.
Del lat. contentio, -ōnis, der. de contendĕre 'tender con fuerza', 'rivalizar, disputar'.
1. f. Der. Litigio trabado entre partes.
2. f. desus. Contienda, disputa entre varios.
3. f. desus. Intensión, esfuerzo, conato.
(689.1) 60:3.2 Near the close of the preceding geologic period much of the continental land was up above water, although as yet there were no mountain peaks. But as the continental land drift continued, it met with the first great obstruction on the deep floor of the Pacific. This contention of geologic forces gave impetus to the formation of the whole vast north and south mountain range extending from Alaska down through Mexico to Cape Horn.
a struggling together in opposition; strife.
a striving in rivalry; competition; contest.
strife in debate; dispute; controversy.
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