sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011


Comprendo la tremenda difficultad del Prólogo --yo mismo me siento incapaz de traducirlo con la exactitud adecuada porque no llego a comprenderlo del todo-- pero esto sobrepasa el error de la traducción literal..

(2.9) 0:1.9 6. Supremo — Deidad que experimenta por sí misma y que unifica a la criatura con el Creador. Esta Deidad actúa en el primer nivel de identificación con las criaturas bajo la forma de los supercontroladores espacio-temporales del gran universo, y a veces se le llama Supremacía de la Deidad.

Supreme—self-experiential and creature-Creator-unifying Deity. Deity functioning on the first creature-identificational level as time-space overcontrollers of the grand universe, sometimes designated the Supremacy of Deity.

La Deidad tiene una potestad que no ejerce sin no hace falta; es una especie de supervisión, de ninguna manera el "supercontrol" que esta traducción denota literalista. Veamos las opiniones de personas expertas en los Escritos:

The implication of overcontrol:  to have a supervisory effect on.  That means they don’t control if not necessary but they make sure the project goes in the right direction and achieves the intended ambition. ***
Bob Hurt    bh
Hi Ángel,
     To my reading and understanding of American English, I see the use of the first part of this compound word, 'over', being used in a way very much like it is used in the word 'oversight'.  The implication is that there those (one or more) who are watching (or controlling) events with an inferred capability of interacting with and modifying what's happening. 
     As an example, the word 'oversight' is commonly used in reference to a foreman (i.e. a boss) having oversight, say at a construction sight.  Or, in a school situation, the teacher has oversight of the class and the principal has 'oversight' of the teachers and the school's operational activities.  (And, maybe it works to say the School Board, the Mayor and ultimately the electorate have 'overcontrol' of the entire community's educational effort.)
     In the UBook's usage of 'overcontrol' regarding evolution, I've taken that to depict celestial ability to modify (control) and alter the ongoing living processes as they progress due to their own momentum (originally set in motion by the Life Carriers).  To me, the information on evolution suggests that the momentum of the living processes are fully capable of progression undisturbed without any kind of intervention, but, as deemed necessary by those who 'watch from above', adjustments (overcontrol) is an available option.
      I sense that 'complete /supreme' is implied simply by the overall context of this material where these personalities are the initiators of life with which they can experiment, develop 'formulas' and make 'mid-course corrections' including taking protective action so that important aspects are not lost.  I glean from the content that the 'overcontrollers' prefer that the natural progression be allowed to operate as 'untouched' as possible and only exert their 'overcontrol' minimally and as absolutely necessary. 
    Lastly, it seems to me that 'overcontrol' can be applied as either a noun or a verb as dictated by specific context.
Hope this helps -- Gerald

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