sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Show: A History of The Urantia Papers With Larry Mullins - Reprise [in English]

                                                                  Dr. Sadler

Show: A History of The Urantia Papers With Larry Mullins - Reprise

Date/Time: Aug 10, 2013 10:00 AM MDT

Description: This show is an archived REPRISE edition of The Cosmic Citizen. It originally broadcast on June 30, 2012. Please do not call in. Last summer Paula Thompson and Christilyn Biek-Larson interviewed author and long-time student of The Urantia Book, Larry Mullins, on his thorough and revealing research in his book entitled, A History of The Urantia Papers; now in its 2nd edition. We explored some issues about the books origin in greater depth, and made a special effort to answer all of the questions of callers.Larry answered or proposed many questions: Dr. Meredith Sprunger thought The Urantia Book was a hoax when he first saw it. What changed his mind? What did Dr. Sprunger and his team of 11 ministers discover when they visited 533? What part did Dr. Lena Sadler play in the revelation? How did the first contact with celestial beings happen? What did Dr. Sadler learn when he hypnotized the sleeping subject? How did the forum get started? How did the forum get involved in the process? What did the Sadlers do that triggered the first written manuscript? What prompted Dr. Sadler to test the celestial beings who were talking through the sleeping subject with difficult questions? Does anyone really know how the Urantia Papers were materialized? Why was the original written manuscript destroyed? Why were the original typed manuscripts destroyed after the type was set for the Urantia Book? Why did the revelators use so much human information? When did the Jesus Papers come through? How? Why were the revelators displeased with the forum? Was The Urantia Book intended for a later time? When? When was permission given to publish the UB? Showtime is 12:00 PM Eastern Time; 9:00 AM Pacific Time.

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