Coordinated action: acción coordinada/en coordinación.

God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit: are three coordinate Persons: Son Personas del mismo rango, coiguales.
Hay que distinguir entre "cordinate" (157 veces en el libro)y "coordinated" (aparece 61veces), el primero significa "coigual", "del mismo rango"; el segundo, "en coordinación con". De ahí también la distinción entre subordinate (74)/subordinated (10 veces): "de menor rango"/"en subordinación", "subordinado/a a".
En ambas traducciones, la Hispanoamericana y la Europea, se comenten estos errores garrafales --graves.
El lector Stan hace otras consideraciones de estos términos:
Their use of "co-ordinate" in all the examples you sent has the same meaning, I think, and there are several synonyms that could apply, none of which means the same thing, unfortunately. Putting aside the meaning "to be equal with," except in rare cases (for the reasons I suggested before), "coordinate" can mean "harmonized with," or "corresponding" (in the sense of complementary, correlative, related to, or resembling), or "integrated" or "synchronized" or even just "similar."
The usage you point out on P.484 - §1 seems to be a key to what they really mean, though, since they distinguish coordinate from coordinated. All this is a stretch of the language even in English, but what I think they may be saying is that COORDINATE in the examples you quoted means "PERFECTLY synchronized with," or "in perfect harmony," while "coordinated" means just "to function together harmoniously." Even that is probably not exactly what they wanted to mean before they had to put it in English, but it's as close a guess as I can make.
I hope this helps. I wish I had a dictionary from 1935, so I could check to see if the word had different connotations then. "Concordant" and "unified" are other approximate synonyms that come to mind. It's a crazy language.P.207 - 11 –
I had some further thoughts about the difference between "coordinate" and "coordinated." I don't know if it will help with the translation, but it does help with my understanding, I think.
Maybe the difference between coordinate and coordinated is the existential/experiential difference - the difference between the kinds of beings who are coordinate in origin and those who evolve to it through personal experience, who reach coordination by becoming coordinated.
Just a thought.
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